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The best 10 of Michael Jordan’s lessons for young athletes

Michael Jordan. Basketball player. Leader. Role model. World champion. Hero.

Many titles have been given to him. Many titles he has earned. But what he is now more than anything else is a business man. His Air Jordan line of basketball shoes are among the most coveted possessions for young basketball players. Typical of how he was during his playing career, he will always be outstanding, even as a businessman.


The best aspect of his Air Jordan brand are the messages delivered through its advertising and marketing. He has managed to pull together big time sports stars such as Ray Allen, Carmelo Anthony, Rip Hamilton, Derek Jeter, and Chris Paul to support his brand. However, these sports stars are not just promoting the clothing or the shoes, they are promoting the philosophy behind the clothing, which is the philosophy behind Michael Jordan.

10 amazing Michael Jordan career stats

Each of the commercials has a distinct message, narrated by Jordan himself. He uses nuggets of wisdom learned during his career as positive and motivating messages for the current generation of athletes. We no longer become like Mike simply by buying a pair of shoes, now we must look beyond the superficial, and dig deep within ourselves to discover the inner strength that drove Michael Jordan to the top of the basketball world.

These clips are much more than commercials, they together create a set of ideas we all should live by. Therefore I have compiled them into a list for easy referencing. Please leave any comments or feedback in the comments box, would love to hear back from other MJ fans. And subscribe to this blog to get the latest MJ posts!

Full list of Air Jordans

What if?

What if there was no fame and fortune? What if all the fans and media were gone? What if all Michael Jordan ever became was a regular basketball player. Would he still do what he did? There’s no doubt.

When young children are asked why they want to become sports stars, often they will mention money and fame. What they don’t understand about someone like Michael Jordan is that he was always focused on one thing, becoming a better basketball player. The fame and fortune only followed his successes on the court.

Tell me

Tell me I can’t do it. I want you to. Because then I can prove you wrong.

Despite all the loving fans, the people Michael Jordan listened to the most were his biggest critics. When they said he couldn’t play defense, he won the defensive player of the year. When they said he couldn’t win a championship, he won three in a row. Again and again he shut his critics by proving to them he could do what he wanted to do by putting his heart into it. That is a valuable lesson for any kid to learn.


Heart is what truly drives you to get to where  you want to go. It’s what gets you through the tough days, and it’s what will bring you to the top.

They say it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog. And that is true, especially in sports. Michael has proven time and time again that heart can triumph over physical limitations. He played with the flu, he played when hurt, he even played after his father’s murder. But all those difficulties never changed his passion for competition and his heart for the game.

Let your game speak

Everyone has critics. You can either argue with them, or let your game speak louder than you ever can.

Instead of letting critics tear you down, use them as a force to motivate you to go further.


Maybe he made things seem too easy. Maybe his accomplishments are too great to ever surpass. Maybe there will never be anyone better. Or maybe you are just making excuses.

Look me in the eye

Don’t be scared of what you will become, be scared of what you won’t become. Know who you are inside, and don’t let anyone stop you from being who you truly are.


No one gets to the top the easy way. Everyone has to put in the hours and the hard work. Fairy tales only happen in movies.

Break to build

To get to the next level, you have to push your body to the limit. Push until you can’t push no more, and then you will get there.

What is love?

What does it mean to truly love the game? It means not being to live without it, and appreciating every moment of it, even the difficult ones.


He has failed at every point in his life. Yet those failures never stopped him from trying again and again. It is through his failures that he has succeeded beyond imagination.

Bonus clips

Michael Jordan top ten videos

Frozen moment

This is a beautifully made commercial. Captures the beauty of those truly special moments in sports.

Michael Jordan has taught the world many things. He has taught the world how basketball should be played. He has taught the world how to be a great athlete and a good role model. But most importantly, he has taught us how to become better than we are.

More than mere entertainment, sports and the athletes who play them, offer us great lessons on life, if we choose to receive them.

How Michael Jordan became Michael Jordan

  1. October 27, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    You should have put the complete “What is Love” commercial. It highlights MJ’s entire career.

  2. Andy Huang
    October 27, 2009 at 11:02 pm

    Hmm… I’ll try to find it. Thanks Benny.

  3. Sharon
    March 30, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    I can tell Jordan is a great inspiration to you. He’s definitely a great role model!

    • March 30, 2010 at 11:42 pm

      He is indeed a great inspiration. The things he has been able to accomplish is a testament to human willpower and effort. Thanks for the comment!

  4. vincent scuderi
    June 9, 2010 at 11:16 am

    I hate when people compare him to others . Hes the greatest ever.

  5. November 26, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    I was empressed with all the inspirational quotes Mr. Jordan has made. I have twin grandsons that have played Basketball since they were three years old. They have never worn anything but Jordans on their feet. just today black friday my daughter went and bought retro shoes that they had when they were young. They are now seventeen and looking at colleges to play ball. They aren’t very tall but they are fast and make awesome pointguards. Thank you for letting me leave a comment.

    • December 2, 2010 at 10:23 am

      I think Jordan’s biggest impact may not have come from what he did on the court, but from the influence he had on generations of basketball players after him.

      Thanks for the comment.

  6. April 5, 2013 at 11:46 am

    I am a 9 year old girl and I loveeeeeeeee basketball

  7. Dave
    April 27, 2013 at 4:36 pm

    great in everything but a role model….debatable…

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